"More" is a thought-provoking cinematic short film that challenges our society's obsession with consumerism and materialism. Set in a surreal world where medieval knights brandish shields and flags adorned with modern-day corporate logos, the film serves as a visual metaphor for the way we become brand warriors, representing our beliefs through the brands we wear.

A cinematic experiment in creative critical thinking.

Consider whether we are defined solely by the products we purchase, pause and reflect on the true nature of fulfillment and authenticity.

We are like knights, shielding ourselves behind the modern armor of status symbols. We've allowed ourselves to become slaves to our desires, marching in allegiance under the banners of corporations who have become our overlords.

With a blend of cinematic artistry and social commentary, "More" invites audiences on a transformative journey. It prompts us to question our own role as consumers, inviting us to rediscover what truly matters beyond the surface of material possessions. As the film unfolds, it uncovers a compelling surreal moving imagery that invites introspection and the exploration of a world where our choices can lead to a more balanced and purposeful existence.

project in mind?

cut the shit, let’s talk.